Monday, March 9, 2009

Here are the latest beads I made. I am in an animal exchange on and had no clue how to make animals, or what sort to try. Friday night I made a cat that was laughable. So I set out last night to make one I would like. I figured I would start by making something I know how to make . . . a skull. Next I made a cat. I thought keeping it simple would be the best idea, it worked. I love the little guy and now I want to make a bunch more. Then I thought I would like to play with some reactive glass and see what happened so I made a little test bead. It turned out great and I really love the way the colors play nice together. I then made the piece I really love and will make a ton more of . . . drumroll please . . . a fish!!!! I LOVED MAKING HIM AND HE TURNED OUT GREAT. Okay so he has a fin that's a bit short on one side, but look how far it got Nemo!!!
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1 comment:

Nancy McCarroll said...

How FUN! Very creative. Good on you.