Well, the stupid cold is getting better, but the stupid cough is hanging on. Dad woke me up several times last night with the coughing. He said it was only fair since I had done the same to him. I guess he has a point there. I have been giving him an expectorant so he will cough some stuff up, at least it is nice to know it is working. He is definitely feeling better. I am at least holding my own. I know until my lungs get their capacity back I am about as good as I will get until the cough is totally gone, and based on the last cold I had with a cough, it will just take some time.
We are up and moving around. Hoping for the best. His bathing aid will be here around noon, so I am taking it easy now, will get busy later. Have to get my shower out of the way so the hot water can recover for his shower. I guess I will have to get moving pretty soon. Have to finish my infusion of caffeine first, though. If I don't the withdrawals from that include lethargia and a king-size headache. I don't plan on doing that any time soon, thank you very much.
The other type of withdrawal I was referring to in the title was missing my jewelry / wearable arts group. The server that hosts our website has been bogging down since there are so many users, and there are so many images, and older searchable forums with tons of information useful to old and new users alike. The site is being migrated this week, and of course it started in earnest last night right in the middle of me posting to the wearables forum. So the thread I was posting to was there when I started typing my response, and gone when I clicked on publish. Not very friendly do you think??!!! So I checked for the site again last night, and have checked this morning, too and it is still down!!! That is what the withdrawals comment meant. It is my home away from home, my group of friends, and my support group. We give each other a chance for free therapy, suggestions for improving our jewelry work, and the support we need when bad things happen to us. We also cheer each other on when great stuff happens. This is a group of people from all around the globe: Singapore; Canada; Washington; California; Oregon; Texas; Colorado; North Carolina; Florida; Pennsylvania; Connecticut; Great Britain; Germany; South Africa; Australia; New Zealand; well, you get the idea. I love the site, and I certainly miss it when it is down. Sometimes you take things like Wet Canvas for granted, but when it's not there you realize just how much it means to you. Whether you are looking for subject matter for a painting, or how to knit, some instruction on how to make a lampwork heart, or just a daily dose of show and tell in a variety of artistic subjects from pastels to silversmithing, you can find it on WC. If you are artistic you owe it to yourself and your craft to check it out. It might be down today, but it will bounce back once it gets done migrating bigger and better than ever. Faster, too.
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